Thursday, November 09, 2006

The media will always cover what matters. ALWAYS.

Here's a post about the BIG HUGE EVIL JOHN KERRY COMMENTS. Don't get me wrong- what Kerry said was quite blithe and stupid, but so too was its prioritization (not sure if that's a word) in the mainstream news media. I'm reminded of the way the networks covered Bill Clinton's interview on Fox News, to which I'd post a link to the YouTube video of The Daily Show's coverage- oh wait, Comedy Central took all their videos down. Bloodsuckers.


Blogger Vicky said...

As an addendum, check out the Breaking News on election day.

1:43 am  
Blogger Jason said...

It should've read "Britney Spears Is Now Available" or the Onion's headline, "Britney Spears Lactates 2,000th Gallon"

1:58 pm  

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